Solstice House, Peer-Run Respite and Warm Line

Solstice House Peer-Run Respite, Warm Line and Groups

What is Peer Run Respite?

Peer respites support people during difficult or disruptive times in life.

A peer respite house offers space to be who you are, time to feel through emotions and opportunities to build relationships with other peers in the community. Solstice House Peer Respite is a non-clinical, home-like setting offering short term stays (up to 5 nights). We are not clinicians or therapists. We are peers– people with lived experience of mental health, substance use, and who have experienced crises ourselves. We are rooted in solidarity, hope, & resilience.

Depending on the individual's wants and needs, a respite can be utilized as one of many available crisis resources in the following ways:

A space to get time and space away from challenging life situations.
A space to get time and space away from challenging life situations.
A space to process changes, difficulties and upheavals in life.
A space to feel emotions connected to things in the past that are coming up now.
A space to be in community with others during times of loneliness and isolation.

Peer respites are an important community-based alternative to traditional crisis resources. We are specially trained to support people seeking:

A space to support transitioning back home post-discharge after specific experiences like inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, drug/alcohol detoxification, or incarceration.
A complete alternative to traditional mental health and/or substance use services.
A complete alternative to psychiatric hospitalization or other forms of high-acuity care that the person has decided are not helpful or not necessary.

Solstice House is a voluntary, short-term program that provides community-based non-clinical support to individuals experiencing crisis and emotional distress, available 24/7. We accept self-referrals ONLY from the person seeking respite themselves. Providers may encourage people they serve to contact the peer-run respite, but are not able to request a respite stay on behalf of the person .

Solstice House is a sanctuary space . Due to privacy and confidentiality reasons, our address is not made public. The house address is provided only to individuals who are staying at the peer respite house, after an inquiry (request to stay at the respite) has been approved.

We do not accept unscheduled visits from the public, service providers, previous guests, callers, or respite seekers who have not completed a current inquiry for respite and been approved for a stay. Anyone not currently staying at the respite must call beforehand to schedule an appointment if they wish to visit or tour the space.

For prospective peer guests seeking a respite stay, please contact Solstice House landline directly at
(608) 244-5077. You will need to leave a message and wait for a call back.

For information about our programs or to schedule a tour please contact our Executive Director of Peer Services, Nze Okoronta by phone at (608)-886-9735 or email

What is a Warmline**

A warmline is a phone number operated by peers in the community, where persons in need can receive support and share experiences without judgement. We are here to listen and offer support. Individuals in need of support are encouraged to call during times of loneliness, difficulty, or disruption. Call during times of joy, too! We are not clinicians or therapists. We are peers, a community of people rooted in solidarity, hope and resilience.

Anonymous and Confidential : Your name, location, and information are unknown to us .
Upholding Choice
:We are not connected to 911,988, or nay hotlines. We offer support not action.
Statewide Support : Anyone 18 years and older in Wisconsin may access the warmline.
: 24/7, 365 Days to all Wisconsin residents.

For more information about Solstice House or to call our Warmline, please contact: or 608.244.5077 .


All groups are held via Zoom. If you are interested in attending or finding out more information about peer support groups, please email: to be placed on the email list.

Hearing Voices:

Coming Soon! Facilitators are currently training.

Our current Hearing Voices group has been paused until further notice. We will relaunch a new Hearing Voices group soon. Hearing Voices Network USA click here for more information groups follow a specific approach that requires trained facilitators and alignment to a National Charter with specific values. Our new group will start soon after the new facilitators are trained. When we are ready to start again, current and former Hearing Voices group members and facilitators are of course welcome and encouraged to join.

We deeply appreciate your understanding and support as we ensure our programs honor the legacy of the Hearing Voices approach and our historical roots of peer support– based in radical acceptance and psychiatric survivorship.

Alternatives to Suicide:

Coming Soon! Facilitators are currently training.